Why it’s important to inspect your furnace.

As we approach the fall and winter months (sorry for saying that), it’s important that you check out a few things on your furnace. These inspections can save you time, money, and a big headache later. We promise it’s better to be proactive than reactive. 

Here is a list of things for you to do: 

    •    Make sure your furnace filter is clean & not clogged
    •    Check for any gas leaks (you can usually smell them) 
    •    Turn on your furnace to test the air flow throughout the home
    •    Make sure your vents throughout the house are uncovered and not blocking the heat
    •    Check if the burners are free of an debris that may be flammable

By doing these things, you’ll be preparing yourself, and your furnace for the winter months. Now, this isn’t a complete and comprehensive list, but it is a starting point. If you have any further hesitations at all, or even if you’d just like to ensure that it’ll be good to go during our state’s hibernation, we’re offering a Fall Special for the months of September and October.
Click the button below to learn more!


So hot in here.


Fall is here - How to prepare your house accordingly.