The Hidden Dangers Of Dust Within Your Home.

Did you know that your home's air ducts are the 'lungs' of your home? The air ducts pull in air and then exhale it throughout your home. That's why you'll want to ensure that the air being circulated is as clean and allergen-free as possible. After all, the health of your family and pets depends on it!

Any dust inside your ducts will travel with the air as it circulates throughout your home. This is why dusting seems like a never-ending chore. Not only is that dust unsightly, but it's sometimes very bad for your health. Fortunately, air duct cleaning will help reduce the amount of dust in your home.

The Hidden Dangers of Dust

A simple description of dust is anything small and light enough to float through the air. The reality is more complicated. Dust is typically made up of many components. Some of the more common ingredients of dust include:

  • Pet dander, hair, urine, saliva, and feather residue (all pet allergy triggers)

  • Tracked-in dirt contaminated with animal feces

  • Pollen from the current and previous seasons

  • Skin cells and the dust mites that thrive on them

  • Insect waste products (shed exoskeletons, body parts, and feces)

  • Bacteria, viruses, and protozoans 

  • Mold spores

  • Toxic chemicals like pesticides, lead, or arsenic

  • Cigarette smoke and its toxic byproducts like tar

Other Vent Duct Surprises

Household items like spices, flour, paper particles, chalk dust, bath powder, clothing fibers, dryer lint, carpet fibers, and ashes are hard on your lungs when they're circulating through the air you breathe.

Stale odors from cooking, pets, and smoke can get trapped in your vents and then recirculated. Mold or mildew may also be contributing to a musty smell. Whenever the humidity is high, moisture clings to the debris in the vents, and mold or mildew often begins to grow. This can result in dangerous spores circulating throughout your house.

Rodent hair and droppings sometimes indicate that mice, rats, or squirrels have made themselves at home in your air vents. Other uninvited inhabitants can include cockroaches, birds, and snakes.

Keep dust out of circulation by changing your air filters regularly and having your vents cleaned every 3 to 4 years. This will keep your HVAC system clean, efficient, and working properly. If your home's air vents could use a thorough cleaning, the A R Engh team is always glad to help!

-A R Engh Team


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