7 Common Sewer Drain Damage Signs To Look Out For.
Sewer drain damage in your home or business can be a major source of stress. If the damage is not addressed, it can lead to flooding or other costly repairs. To limit the effects of sewer drain damage, it is important to look out for these common signs.
Slow Draining Toilets & Sinks
If you notice that your toilets or sinks are draining slowly, this may mean that there is damage in the sewer line. You may have tried to use a sewer snake, but the problem may remain.
Sewer Gas Odor Within Home
One of the more unpleasant and noticeable items on this list, the scent of sewage can be a sign of sewer drain damage. The smell itself may not be toxic, but it should not be ignored.
Extra Green Patches of Grass
Everyone wants greener grass, but if patches of your yard are unexpectedly greener, that could be a sign of a leaking sewer line. This occurs because the leaking sewage works as a fertilizer.
Mold Within Home
Moisture from a leaking sewer line can lead to mold in the home. Water damage can be costly, and untreated mold can lead to health issues.
Cracks in the Home's Foundation
Another effect of water damage from a sewer drain problem, you may notice that there is structural damage in your building. This occurs if a plumbing problem results in severe leaking.
Varying Toilet Water Level
Pay attention to how high or low the water in your toilets is. If the levels are inconsistent, that may mean that there is sewer damage.
Waste in the Yard
Earlier we mentioned that sewer drain damage could result in greener yards, but on the other hand, damage could also result in leaks that are noticeable in your yard.
Sewer drain damage can have unpleasant effects and can lead to costly damage to your home. Because of this, it is important to address the problem as soon as you notice these signs. If you are experiencing possible signs of sewer drain damage, our experienced team of professional plumbers is here to help. We know what to look for and are eager to answer any questions you may have.
-A R Engh Team