New Homeowner? This One's For You.
Summer is officially here and that mean’s it’s the most popular time a year to purchase a home. If you’re a new homeowner, congratulations! Buying a home is a surreal experience and wise investment. But we realize that you may be feeling in over your head with all the new things you’re learning about not only owning a home, but maintaining one. We’re here for you! Here are a few tricks of the trade that we’ve learned over the years that may be valuable to you in your new season:
Here in the northern region of the midwest, we’re really grateful for good insulation during wintertime. You’ll want to make sure that your insulation is plentiful before winter hits. If you have an unfinished attic, pop your head up there and make sure that you have at least six inches of insulation all around. If you find that your insulation is less than up-to-par, here is a great guide about types of insulation and how to install it.
Ceiling Fans
Even if your new home doesn’t come with ceiling fans, they’re easy enough to install on your own and can save you money. Instead of cranking up your AC unit, having fan’s circulating your air helps your home breathe and can save you money.
Deep Cleaning
Although the house might be clean, shiny, and dustless when you move in, you never know what lies behind the walls of the house. Before moving all of your things in, getting your air ducts and HVAC systems professionally cleaned can drastically change the way you live there. Many allergens live in your air ducts, including dangerous mold and mildew. Having clean air when you move in can prevent future health problems for you and your family.
These few to-do list items are easy to check off, leaving you time to do the fun things, like decorating! And as always, we’re here for you and all your HVAC needs!
- The AR Engh Team