Improving Indoor Air Quality
Your eyes might be trained to spot dust and dirt in your home. Taking care of these simple and expected cleaning tasks is a daily routine for most people. But not everyone is trained to recognize the cleanliness of the air in their home. Did you know that the air in your home could be even more polluted than the air outside? The quality and purity of what you breathe in everyday is directly connected to your health, and the health of your family. Here are some simple ways to not only determine the air quality around you, but also ways to get the air quality you want and deserve:
Ask yourself these questions:
Does my health improve when I leave? Do unwanted symptoms return when I come home?
Can you see, or smell, mildew?
Do people smoke indoors?
Is the humidity regularly above 50%?
Keep pollutants out:
Test your home for radon. Radon occurs naturally, so if this dangerous gas is in your home you would most likely be unaware of it.
Always smoke outdoors, away for open windows and doors.
Keep humidity below 50% to decrease the likelihood of mold and mildew. Using a dehumidifier is the easiest way to do this.
Instead of hiding ugly odors with candles and sprays, search for the odor and get rid of it’s source.
Similarly to your lungs, your home needs to breathe! Keeping air circulating and fresh is vital in having quality air. Use your fans and AC units to keep air circulating.
Although open windows can cause other issues, keeping fresh air coming in and out of your home helps the ventilation process.
As always, we are trained and ready to assist you with your home needs. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system's and air ducts not only prevent emergencies, they prevent your family from unnecessarily becoming ill.
We’re here for you!
- The AR Engh Team