Everything You Need To Know About Trenchless Pipe Lining

Replacing or repairing damaged drain pipes is not an easy task. Many times, it involves digging long trenches and tearing up driveways, walkways, landscaping and other important structures in the yard. Fortunately, with today's trenchless technologies, you can easily repair damaged pipes without disrupting the yard's life. Trenchless technologies have been around for many years but many homeowners are not aware of these options. In this article, we have highlighted everything you need to know about trenchless pipe lining, the most common type of trenchless technology.

What is trenchless pipe lining?

This is the process of repairing damaged drain pipes through pre-existing entry points. Trenchless technicians start by cleaning out the drain pipe of dirt and debris. They then insert a pipe lining material into the drain pipe and expand it to cover all the edges including the damaged part.

What are the benefits of trenchless pipe lining?

This new technology is less invasive compared to the conventional options so you don't have to spend thousands of dollars in additional restorative work. The repaired pipe becomes stronger, corrosive resistant, allows smooth flow of sewage and can last up to 50 years or longer.

How much does trenchless pipe lining cost?

According to HomeAdvisor, the cost of trenchless pipe lining ranges from $60 to $250 per foot. The cost, however, varies depending on the extent of damage, the length of the pipe and the diameter of the pipe. Although the initial cost of trenchless pipe lining may be higher compared to traditional methods, it's still cost effective because you'll avoid the cost of additional restorative work.

Don't let broken drain pipes trouble you. Our team has the knowledge and equipment for trenchless pipe repair and can finish the work within the shortest time possible. 

We promise you’ll get our best, always. Learn more about trenchless pipelining and our approach here: https://www.arengh.com/trenchless-pipe-repair

-A R Engh Team


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