What is the Banging in Your Pipe?
Of all the loud sounds in your home, you don't expect your pipes to be the culprit. However, if you hear a sudden loud banging from your pipes, don’t panic, it may not be quite the emergency you think it is.
That banging in your pipe is technically called a hydraulic shock, otherwise known as a water hammer. The noise happens when pressurized water bangs against the walls of the pipe. It is actually a common occurrence, but still not one that you should ignore.
The issue with water hammers is that the banging that creates noise is also very hard on your pipes. If left alone, you will find that the area of a water hammer will likely manifest a leak in the future as the water weakens the area.
What Causes Water Hammers?
If you are looking to prevent future water hammers, you need to know what causes them. These causes include:
Flooded Air Chambers — Your plumbing comes with vertical air chamber pipes to help regulate pressure. However, if water gets into those pipes, they do not function as designed.
Pressure Fluctuations — If water pressure fluctuates, such as when running a water-using appliance, it can cause a water hammer. This can be fixed by installing an arrestor, however.
High Water Pressure — It may make for some gloriously refreshing showers, but high water pressure is incredibly hard on the plumbing overall as well as causing water hammers.
If you have water hammers, they are not an emergency — at least not most of the time. Ideally though, you should have a plumber come out and address them before they become a problem. In some cases, the noise can also be a sign of insecure pipes instead of a water hammer. However, both issues need to be fixed before they become a leak — and they certainly will become a leak eventually if left alone.