The New Era of Pipelining and 5 Things You Should Know.
What a nightmare! Your home has a broken sewer line. That's bad enough in its own right. But this repair must be made under your concrete driveway and extends to approximately 6 feet right through the rose garden that you are so proud of!
Sound familiar?
It used to be that this repair not only included the actual replacement of the broken section but one whole day of extra work, excavating the job site. And the added cost of concrete repair, and landscaping...your rose garden just won't be the same!
But wait a second. You just had a neighbor to recommend A R Engh. But this is a sewer line problem. Same neighbor says to call and ask about the new era of pipelining...trenchless pipelining.
You and your roses breathe a sigh of relief.
You and your wife breathe a sigh of relief when you realize that this type of repair, without all that extra yard work, is going to be about 40% less than the conventional way these repairs used to be made.
Here are 5 things to educate you about the cost-effectiveness of trenchless pipelining.
This technology has been around since 1971. An agricultural engineer, Erik Wood relined the first broken pipe by pulling a piece of resin-impregnated felt through a broken underground air duct and inflated it. After the resin cured the interior of the duct had a perfect patch over the broken spot and trenchless pipelining was born.
There have been studies by the EPA that suggest these type repairs would outlive standard type repairs by 50+ years.
Since 1971 there have been over 40,000 miles of trenchless pipelining installed worldwide.
Pipes that have been relined were inspected after 10 years of service by the EPA and they still looked as if they were installed yesterday
And you, the homeowners' biggest takeaway? You, your concrete, your rose bushes, and your wife are all happy!
There is no pretty way to fix a sewer line. But thanks to trenchless pipelining there is definitely a way to keep it all underground!
Contact our team today to learn more.
-A R Engh Team