Ode to Halloween

May you and your family have a happy Halloween! 

From leaves and fog, 
To colors so new. 
It’s the month of October, 
And we’d like to say, boo! 

We know that it’s childish, 
And maybe not cool. 
But the candy and gremlins, 
Remind us of you. 

You see It’s not about heat, 
Or the cooling you know. 
It’s the families we love, 
Their happiness, our goal. 

So as you read this, 
We hope you’ll see.
We’re not goblins or gremlins, 
We’re hear for your family. 

And this month, 
It’s business as norm. 
With one exception, 
Just fill out this form. 

Sometimes the best gifts, 
Are the one’s that nobody knows. 
Just fill out the form below, 
And we promise your lantern will glow.

Happy Halloween from our family to yours. We love that you’re a part of our community, and we’re grateful to serve you in any way that we can. 

As always, be well!

- A R Engh Team


Don’t trust the Fallout.


So hot in here.