Buying a new home? 3 things to do after you close

Moving to a new home can be stressful, and the last thing you want is an HVAC system emergency that could have been avoided right after you move in. By getting in touch with A R Engh shortly after completing the closing process, we can clean out your system and help you create a maintenance plan to keep it in the best possible condition from the beginning. Here are three more things to do after you close your new home to make sure your HVAC system is functioning its best!

Air Duct Cleaning 

No matter how thoroughly your new home is inspected prior to closing, you really do not know much about the previous owners or how well they maintained their air ducts. If the previous owner (or even multiple previous owners!) rarely cleaned the air ducts you have acquired or simply did not realize maintaining them regularly was something they were supposed to do, the buildup of dust, dirt, hair, pet hair, and other debris in your air ducts may be enough to prevent them from working as efficiently as they should.

This buildup may mean that your home is unable to get as much clean air as it should, which may become a significant irritation if you or someone in your family is especially sensitive to dust or other debris and needs abundant fresh air to live a healthy life. Scheduling air duct cleaning from A R Engh before or shortly after moving into your new home is an important step in making sure it is as clean as possible from the beginning. 

Create HVAC Maintenance Plans 

Regularly maintaining your entire HVAC system is a must when it comes to minimizing the development of major problems and catching small issues that do occur as early as possible to prevent them from becoming more serious and more expensive to fix. We will work with you to create a custom ongoing maintenance plan that makes sense for you based on the size of your home, the specific HVAC products you have, how often you use your heating or cooling system, and a variety of other factors.

By planning in advance to work with us regularly, you can rest assured that you will continue to receive top-notch service for as long as you own your new home. Our professional quality HVAC maintenance and economical pricing give you the best possible balance between making sure your HVAC system receives the regular attention it needs to run as consistently as possible and avoiding wasting money on premium services you do not need as an average homeowner.

Although you may hesitate to regularly spend any money at all to maintain your HVAC system if you are not used to doing so, this is an important step in avoiding much more expensive problems if your heating or cooling system breaks down on a particularly cold or hot day because it was not properly maintained.  

Sewer Line Inspection 

Having your sewer line inspected is a must to make sure it is not so clogged or damaged that it is about to cause major problems for you. Although your regular home inspection should include a preliminary look at your sewer, our camera inspection can give us a much better idea of the condition of your sewer line and whether any urgent repairs need to be made. This is especially important if you are moving into an older home or heavily wooded area, as these conditions can make problems look less significant than they are or easier to miss entirely. 

At A R Engh, we are here to help new homeowners in the Cokato, MN area manage their HVAC systems as efficiently as possible. Whether you are interested in making sure your system is in the best possible condition before moving into your new home, setting up a regular maintenance plan, or determining in advance who to call if you experience an HVAC emergency, getting in touch with us as soon as possible is an important step in keeping your new home running as efficiently as possible. Request an estimate today to make sure you can enjoy your new home without running into any major HVAC issues!


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