3 reasons you should take part of our $75 Spring Special
The Spring months have officially begun, and we couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, for many of our clients, their AC units are waking up a little groggy. That’s okay though as right now we’re offering a Spring Cleaning and Safety Inspection for $75. In this blog post we’re going to highlight 3 reasons (that you probably didn’t think about) you should partake in our offer.
Maintenance saves money.
75% of our service calls could have been prevented with routine maintenance. This Spring cleaning is one example of routine maintenance. With a simple inspection in the Spring, you can prevent foreseeable service needs in the near future. Think about your car for a second. If you don’t change the oil, after a while, your engine will break. Likewise, sometimes your air conditioner (or furnace) could benefit from a little TLC.
Profession maintenance = protection.
We realize that air conditioner maintenance isn’t a fancy thing. However, routine professional maintenance helps to prevent and protect your family. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 15 percent of consumer product-related electrocutions occur while someone is attempting to service or repair their appliance. With this in mind, be sure to have a professional do the service. Not only will it protect the individuals within your home, but it may also protect the individual who thinks they can fix just about anything.
Timing is crucial.
Spring is the time to have your AC unit inspected because our team has the availability. Once the Summer months hit, and we’re busy replacing broken units (because people neglected maintenance) you won’t want to have to reach out (to us or another HVAC professional). In the SUmmer months, service costs can rise due to high demand.
So, it’s time to schedule your Spring Cleaning and Safety Inspection. You’ll be glad that you did. Plus, it’s only $75. Click below to schedule yours today!
-A R Engh